Monday, May 29, 2006

Queen of Love, Second Cause of Salvation

A woman walks in grace apart
Oh, angels hold your breath above
Be still, be still my racing heart
Lest she startle like a dove.

Great Gabriel, on wings unseen
Bear greeting to God’s newfound queen
Call Her by Her sacred name
Hail, Maria free of shame.

Humble, kindly, full of love
As noble as the stars above
Gentle as a newborn lamb
Handmaid of the Lord, I AM.

Will you bear a child for Him
He of Whom the psalmists sing
Oh, Lady of the joyful hymn
What answer shall I to God bring?

Oh, if I could plumb your depths
Queen most humble, Queen most blest.
And comprehend the simple Love
That moved you to accept the Dove.

The Love as deep as the Abyss
The Love that frames the starry mists
The Love that mirrors God’s own Life
The Love for which He made you wife.

I could not leave that last, whatever that was, as my last post. Hence this poem, which I wrote about four months ago. I offer it now for your consideration and pleasure.


Andrew Stine said...


Jericho said...


I remember that poem! It is still beautiful, even when I read it again!

Mabel said...

Have you considered joining the Legion of Mary? Really, you ought to. A lovely poem.

Mary Beth